Last Published: 2015-03-27
Version: 0.8.1
Release Notes
Release Notes
Generic API
JGroups binding
Corosync binding
Spread binding
ZooKeeper binding
NeEM binding
UDP/IP binding
Generic tests
Project Documentation
Project Information
Release Notes
0.8.1 (2015-03-27)
fix race affecting IP and NeEM bindings
improve test handling when building
0.8.0 (2015-03-02)
build with Maven
test with JUnit4
more documentation
minor bug fixes
0.7.0 (2013-04-22)
simplification of the API, eliminating redundant functionality (see API documentation and git log for porting instructions)
removal of support for legacy JGroups 2.x and Spread 3.x
Java generics are used where appropriate
refactoring of service provider classes in spi package
implementation and test of close() method in all protocols and sessions
major cleanup of synchronization and exception handling
many minor fixes, for instance, by using FindBugs
consistent semantics of implementations checked with tests
much improved JGroups and Corosync bindings
0.6.2 (2013-03-28)
a new Corosync / Closed Process Group (CPG) binding using JNI
a new ZooKeeper binding, usable only for membership
minor changes to bindings to use updated versions of protocols
new build system with Ivy for dependency resolution;
move to GitHub
0.6.1 (2007-10-29)
legacy version available in